Ethics of suffering and pain – also for managers?
28th Symposium on Ethics 6/27/2023 in Cultural hall Martin, Sázava
ETHICS of suffering and pain
Contributions from 1th medical faculty of Charles University, Prague
- The meaning of pain and suffering
- Reference to the finitude of life and work
- Boundary situation
- The role of the military chaplain
- The role of the doctor and the therapist
- War and Peace
Application of medical ethics in management? (Dr. D. Kučera)
- Economists’ faith in sustainable development
- Managerial theories based on utilitarianism reducing pain and increasing happiness
- One-sided economic perspective in the environment of human society and nature
- The manager and his personal crisis
- Absence of the topic in management education – but presence in management practice
KUČERA, Dušan. The potential of spirituality for the treatment of organizational trauma.
In: HÁŠA, Stanislav, BRUNET-THORNTON, Richard. Impact of Organizational Trauma on Workplace
Behavior and Performance [online]. Hershey : IGI Publishing, 2017, p. 295–317. 413.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2021-4.ch013.