Basic Information

Center for Business Ethics was founded at the Faculty of Business Administration, under the patronage of the Rector of the Prague University of Economics and Business.

Center focuses on the ethical context of entrepreneurship and managerial responsibility in the spirit of the Faculty’s long-term strategy:


Center is based on an active membership of the University in UN GC PRME (Principles of Responsible Management Education):

The fundamental pillars of the ethical dimension include: 

· Ethical elements of the corporate strategy, vision, and mission 

· Ethical assumptions and consequences of businesses according to the applicable legislation of the Czech Republic and European Union 

· Value frame of Corporate Governance and the so-called philosophy of Compliance, which serves as a prevention against corruption, conflict of interest, money laundering, etc. 

· Broad dimension of managerial responsibility (economic, social, and environmental ethical impact concerning future generations).

Center is active in the Faculty’s premises in cooperation with the Faculty’s internal staff, a staff of other faculties of the University and external experts