Cooperation with corporations

Personal managerial practise of Dr. D. Kučera in companies (1993-2010): LUXPRESS, IBS expert, ŠKODA AUTO, PASSERINVESTGroup – NGO.

In the frame of the Center orientation took place following seminars and consultations:

  • PROVIDENT Financial, s.r.o. Seminar in the frame of  “Ethics weeks” (Mrs. M. Krajewska), 2022.
  • BRUSSEL EC, 2017/2022: Czech Top-academics and researchers specialising in Euroepan economic integration. Member of discussions with European commissioners (V. Jourová).
  • VERLAG DASHÖFER /BOZP Profi/Kurzy cz, 2021: Conference:  Management – Technology – Context.
  • E.G.I. Education Grow Insurance, 2021-2023: Ethical frame of management responsibility and support in companies ensuarance.
  • OFFICE of the GOVERNMENT of the CZECH REPUBLIC, Dep. of Compatibility (JUDr. Jiří Lenfeld. 2016, 2017). Legal  and ethical responsibility.
  • TEVA Czech Republic (HR dep. Bl. Rinasová, 2015): Managerial Ethics.
  • SIEMENS, s.r.o.(Compliance dep. Ing. V. Sedlářová, 2017): Managerial ethics.
  • MONETA, Money Bank, a.s. (Regulatory Compliance, Ing. Petra Ott, 2017): Managerial Ethics.
  • SWISS LIFE Select, 2019 (JUDr. Lubomír Kroupa, MBA): The position of managers in financial institutions
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION Luxembourg 2019, Odbor EC, Gen. ředitelství pro překlady (Ing. Otto Pacholík): Etická dilemata a hledání východisek 

The framework of company seminars and workshops: 

  • Analysis and identification of ethical dilemmas in company 
  • Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and autonomous systems
  • Prevention of scandals in company (conflict of interest, illegal behavior) 
  • Crises of managerial personality – solutions and development: Understanding ourselves and others 
  • Using of appropriate ethical methods and schools 
  • Use of all dimensions of intelligence: Logic (IQ), Emotional (EI, Social (SI) and spiritual Intelligence (SpI).


“The seminars (2021) on the Ethical Framework for Managerial Responsibility and another support course on Authority vs. Authoritarianism (how to defend against negative behavior of managers) were very well received. Participants appreciated the original insight into managerial personality, personal dilemmas and open analyses of various work crises. The seminars offer deep personal support in the dilemmas of everyday managerial and business practice, which we evaluate as very necessary and timely. I definitely recommend Dr. Kučera’s courses.  (Ing. Eva Gmentová, LLM; E.G.I. Education Grow Insurance)

I want to thank you, Mr. Kucera, for an excellent lecture on “ETHICAL DILEMMAS and SEARCH for SOLUTIONS“ that you presented to our department on Wednesday, 9. October 2019. For our team and me, it is an enrichment and inspiration. Your lecture has addressed us as content so formally.

It was several times I attended your lectures and seminars. I have always been interested in content and form. Your performances I watched with enthusiasm and above all lead me to think about it. It was the seminar with the title “ETHICAL CHALLENGES of EUROPEAN LAW” for the office of the Government in Prague. Also, the next course, “THE RELATIVIZATION of WORD and its implications” for the Unity of interpreters and translators, was exciting. Or the so encouriging last seminar in EC Luxembourg. Your performances were always captivated by the listener and led to a reflection and the subsequent discussion. I can warmly recommend your workshops to anyone interested in business ethics and other fields of human activity in companies and institutions.” (Ing. Otto Pacholík, Head of Dep. for translators, European Committee)

“The BUSINESS ETHICS course gives listeners an excellent and unique view of long-term and sustainable social development. The course encouraged our reflection of the historical development of human values, their social significance and anticipated future development of our market environment which is largely led by profit alone without a long-term vision or strategy. The course of Dr Kučera opens up obvious but, of course, the way of managerial thinking, decision-making and reacting with respect to a stable business environment.” (Ing. Marek Měsíc, MBA; TEVA Czech Republic)

The Management Ethics seminar was for me the entry course at VŠE. Later it turned out to be a very crucial perspective since no other managerial or economic subject had any sense to consult the optics of the theory of profit. The actions and decisions of a manager must be beneficial to the company (whether colleagues at work or more full surroundings). The seminar of Dr. Kučera has not only showed the connection, how to properly inspect things, be in harmony with itself, but also provided practical information and advice to the daily life of the manager. (Bc. Dagmar Zweschperová, MBA; Sales Manager for CEE, PHILIPS Czech Republic).