Collaboration with conferences and associations
International conferences:
- THINK GLOBAL FESTIVAL: Ethical Challenges in the time of crises. Amsterdam School of International Business, Amsterdam Universtity of Applied Sciences, April, 2022, Nov 2023: Global Citisenship and Engagement.
- UNIVERSITE de BRETAGNE Occidentale: 2021, 2023 International week: Business ethics
- PRME GLOBAL FORUM, New York, 2021: Philosophical Challenges of Business ethics – session:
- ANTI-CORRUPTION FUND (NFPK): Protikorupční týden 2021:
- HOCHSCHULE für WIRTSCHAFT und RECHT, Berlin: 2020 International week: Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
- RMER Conference PRME in University Graubünden, 2020: The promise of digitalization: Implications for responsible management EducationCAMBAS (Czech Association of MBA schools) 2020-2022: Member of revision committee
- OIKOS, VŠE v Praze, 2019: Video-Curriculum Academy with next universities (Italy, Germany, Austria, USA, Spain, Niederland, Swiss): Value orientation of curricula
- ACCA Global Ethics Day 2018 (D. Kopecký): Panelová disscusion about the role of ethical thinking for auditing and accounting
- COLOGNE BUSINESS SCHOOL, 2018: Challenge of Business Ethics in CEE
- REGENSBURG UNIVERSITY, 2019: Paper Development Workshop (Journal of Business Ethics)
- JŐNKŐPING UNIVERSITY, 2019: RMER Conference: Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
- ZHAW Zurich University for Applied Sciences, 2019: International week: Ethical Challenges of Autonomous Systems
- EUROPEAN COMPLIANCE FORUM 2019: Smysl compliance v prostředí CEE a jeho specifika
- VIII. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE: „Law and Entrepreneurship in selected member states of European Union“ 2016, Faculty of International Relations, VŠE, Prague: Philosophical prerequisites for a proper understanding of some aspects of Czech top management’s civil-law.
- GAIDAR FORUM, Moskva 2017: Panel discussion: Ethical challenges of Central and East European countries
- INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS, Kiev, 2017: Business Ethics for managers
- ALMATY MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY (International conference 2017): Spirit of capitalism and its ethical challenges.
- FORDHAM UNIVERSITY, New York City 2017: Anti-Corruption Conference (In the frame of PRME Annual meeting)
- OXFORD symposium on religious studies (2017): Spirit of Capitalism.
- JPT – Jednota předkladatelů a tlumočníků (EK, O. Pacholík) 2017: Relativization of words and its consequences
- PRME CEE, RISEBA University, Riga 2017: Ethical limits of neuroscience in the frame of managerial antropology
- LJUBLJANA UNIVERSITY, 2018: Ethical limits of neuro-science
- CORVINUS UNIVERSITY Budapest, 2019: Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
- DUNYA UNIVERSITY of Afghanistan /Swiss UMEF University of Management, Economics and Finance, 2018: Ethical factors in Quality management (2 days)
- INSTITUTO UNIVERSARIO Lisboa, ISCTE Business School, 2019: International week: Business Ethics and its application, (2 days)
- CZECH COMPLIANCE ASSOCIATION: 2016/2017/2018: Panel discussion – Managerial responsibility
- BABES-BOLYAI UNIVERSITY, Cluj-Napoca, 2019/2021: International weeek: Business Ethics in the context of EU.
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS from faculty team:
Journals Article from Dr. D. KUČERA et…
KUČERA,D. & FORMÁNEK, I. Personnel consequences of robotization and pressure on efficiency (Challenges of Minimization of process variability). European Journal of Applied Business and Management [online]. 2024, roč. 10, č. 2, s. 67–92. DOI: 10.58869/EJABM10(2)/04.
Challenges for Responsible Management Education During Digital Transformation. In: HAUSER, Christian, AMANN, Wolfgang. The Future of Responsible Management Education University Leadership and the Digital Transformation Challenge [online]. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, s. 35–60. 400 s. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-15632-8.
Ethical challenges for sustainability management in the current crises. In: BARTEKOVÁ, Mária Kmety, HRUŠOVSKÁ, Dana, TRÚCHLIKOVÁ, Mária, RAKOVÁ, Monika (ed.). Sustainable Business Development Perspectives. Proceedings of Scientific Papers [online]. University of Economics, Bratislava, 26.05.2022 – 26.05.2022. Brno : Masaryk University Press, 2022. DOI: 10.5817/CZ.MUNI.P280-0197-2022-13. Dostupné také z:
The Relevance of Values for Consideration of Sustainable Management in the European Context. Proceedings of the 6th International Conferenceon European Integration 2022, pp 342-351.
Challenges of managerial responsibility and ethics for Central and East European countries based on the experience from the Czech Republic. The International Journal of Management Education, Article nr 100583,
Legal claims of personal liability as a philosophical challenge. Academia Letters, 2021, Article 1235.;
Artificial Intelligence in the context of managerial responsibility. IMES Proceedings of the 7th International Conference: Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, University of Economics, Faculty of Business Administration, pp 419-431. Prague, 30-31. V. 2019. (Thomson Reuters, Web of Science pending). Online:
ANDREISOVÁ, L. & KUČERA, D.: Filozofické předpoklady pro pochopení vybraných aspektů civilní odpovědnosti českého vrcholových management. In “Právo v podnikání vybraných členských států Evropské Unie” (Law in Entrepreneurship of selected EU states members). Conference proceedings of VIII. International scientific conference, Praha: Troas, 2016, p. 72-92. ISBN: 978-80-88055-01-3.
KUČERA, D. & MULLEROVÁ, J.: The value orientation of the Czech companies in the frame of sustainable corporate responsibility. In Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2017), pp. 496-504, Praha, Oeconomica, 2017. ISBN: 978-80-245-2216-6 (Thomson Reuters, Web of Science) Online:
Weber´s thesis “The spirit of capitalism” as a starting point for finding of spiritual potentials in business and management environment (Weberova teze ducha kapitalismu jako podnět pro hledání spirituálních potenciálů v podnikatelském a manažerském prostředí). Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, Prague University of Economics and Business, 5/2015. ISSN 0572-3043. Online:
ANDREISOVÁ, L. & KUČERA, D.: Philosophical Assumptions for Understanding Selected Aspects of Civil-Law Liability of Czech Top Management. Scientia et Societas, (Peer-reviewed social science journal) 2017, VIII/4, p. 23-39. Newton College, Prague. ISSN 1801-7118 (Erih Plus). Online:
KUČERA, D: Ethics in the Industrial 4.0 environment. (Etika v prostředí průmyslu 4.0). VŠPP Entrepreneurship Studies, (Peer-reviewed social science journal) VII, 1-2, 2018, p. 5-14. ISSN: 1802-0453.Online:
ASKEGAARD, S. & CHYTKOVÁ, Z. et al.: Moralities in food and health research. Journal of Marketing Management. 2014, 30(17–18), 1800–1832. DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2014.959034.
HOUDEK, P.: Is behavioral ethics ready for giving business and policy advice? Journal of Management Inquiry. 2019, 28(1), 48–56. DOI: 10.1177/1056492617712894.
HOUDEK, P. Rewards for falling off a horse: Bad corporate governance is enabling managers to receive pay for luck. Organizational Dynamics. 2017, 46(3), 189–194. DOI: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2017.05.004.
VRANKA, M. & BAHNÍK, Š.: Predictors of bribe-taking: the role of bribe size and personality. Frontiers in Psychology. 2018, 9, 1–9. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01511.
KUČERA, D.: The pedagogical and psychological limits of distance learning as qualitative challenge for tutors of managerial courses (Pedagogicko-psychologické hranice distančního vzdělávání jako kvalitativní výzva pro tutory manažerských kurzů). Centre for the study and Universities at West Bohemian University, Pilsen, Prague: Opportunities and risks of distance learning. ISBN 978-80-7043-91-1. (10 p.) Peer reviewed conference paper and lecture for DisCO 2010,. Online:
KUČERA, D.: Problems of a sustainable management value system in the East Europe. Central European Business Review, Faculty of Business Administration, Prague University of Economics and Business, 2/2012, Oeconomica Publishing House, (1 p) ISSN 1805-4854. Online:
The position of Business Ethics (Postavení podnikatelské etiky). Auditor, Journal for Czech chamber of auditors (9, 8-11, 4p), Praha 2012.
BARTHELMESS, P. Y; FUCHS, R.; SCHüZ, M.; PRANDINI, M. KUČERA, D.: Different shades of green: Comparative study on nature relatedness and ecologic consciousness among South Korean, Swiss, and Czech students. Central European Business Review, Faculty of Business Administration, Prague University of Economics and Business, 2/2013, Oeconomica Publishing House, (16 p) ISSN 1805-4854. Online:
Limits of western scientific thinking for innovations. International Conference: Innovation Management and Company Sustainability, Prague University of Economics and Business, Oeconomica, 2013, ISBN 978-80- 245-1942-5.
KUČERA, D.: Religious Roots of Innovative Thinking. International Journal of Management, Science and Business Administration 12/2015. ISSN 1849-5419. (Web of Science) Online:
KUČERA, D.: Ethical dilemmas in business. Interview of Exchange – BSC Prague Magazine, by employees to employees, 4/2014, Exxon Mobile.
KUČERA, D.: Manažerská zodpovědnost a etika / Managerial responsibility and Ethics. MontyRich, Praha, 9/2016, Slovo odborníka / Word of expert, p. 12-13,
KUČERA, D.: Manažerská zodpovědnost a etika / Managerial responsibility and Ethics. Hospodářské noviny / Economic Newspaper, Praha, 16.6.2016.
KUČERA, D.: Manažerská odpovědnost a etika v programu MBA /Managerial Responsibility and Ethics in MBA program. CAMBAS (Czech Association of MBA Schools) 2016:
Book chapters
KUČERA, D. (Book translation, Author of Preface, Editor of the book): Základy etické odpovědnosti podniku / Fundamentals of ethical responsibility in company by Mathias Schüz, Oeconomica, Prague 2015, ISBN 978-80-245-2106-0.
KUČERA, D.: Dlouhodobá podniková odpovědnost a etika v manažerském vzdělávání /Sustainable corporate responsibility and ethics in managerial education. University textbook, Co-authors: M. Schüz, D. Kučera, I. Nový, Oeconomica, Prague, 2015, ISBN 978-80-245-2121-3.
KUČERA, D.: The potential of spirituality for the treatment of organizational trauma. Book chapter: In “Impact of Organizational Trauma on Workplace Behavior and Performance”. Stanislav Háša; Richard Brunet-Thornton (University of Economics, Czech Republic), IGI Publishing, Hershey, PA, USA: 2017 (Scopus). DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2021-4.
KUČERA, D.: Conflicts between Words, Images and Reality in Contemporary Advertising. Book chapter in: Manuela Epure, Lorena Clara Mihăeş: The Role of Language and Symbols in Promotional Strategies and Marketing Schemes. IGI publishing, Hershey, PA, USA, 2018. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5778-4.ch00
KUČERA, D.: A Historical Approach to Understanding Values and Its Importance for Corporate Responsibility. Book chapter in: Values and Corporate Responsibility. CSR and Sustainable Development. Palgrave Macmillan – Palgrave Studies in Governance, Leadership and Responsibility, 2020.https://
KUČERA, D.: Philosophical Challenges in Development of Ethical Perspective in Business. Book chapter in: Philosophy and Business Ethics. Organizations, CSR and Moral Practice. Palgrave Macmillan 2022.
Management video collection
KUČERA, D. Managerial Responsibility and Business Ethics [Video file]. In The Business & Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks. 2018.
KUČERA, D. Management and Spirituality. [Video file]. In The Business & Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks. 2019.
KUČERA, D. Ethical challenges of artificial intelligence: introduction [Video file]. In The Business & Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks. 2020.