
Center for Business Ethics

Faculty of Business Administration
Prague University of Economics and Business
W. Churchilla Sq. 4
130 67 Prague, Czech Republic

Dr. Dušan Kučera:

He studied the Protestant Theology at Charles University in Prague, two semesters at Friedensau College in Germany and some courses at US Andrews University, MI. International MBA diploma he obtained from Pfeiffer University, NC with IPFM Prague. Worked as a pastor, teacher, editor, manager, department director in several international companies, 10 years in Škoda Auto, 4 year as director of NGO/PasserinvestGroup. He lectures on management, management ethics in Prague University, and abroad in Masters and MBA programs. Publications and scientific activities are listed in the Centre’s profile. Dr Kučera is member of Ethical committee at the home University, Head of ethical committe at the Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, and Vice-Head of European chapter of PRME CEE.


Team members:

Dr. Martin Viktora:
is a recognized expert in the field of management and leadership in the private and non-profit sectors and in the field of public administration. In his more than 30 years of practice, he has focused on the effectiveness of decision-making processes, innovation of corporate practices and sustainability of management systems in the public and non-profit sectors. He lectures at the University of Economics, Faculty of Business Management and Public Management. He is a member of several international research institutions. He has worked as an economic advisor to the leadership of the Ministry of Justice and as an analyst for the Council of Europe. Zuzana Kvítková: zuzana.kví

gained her experience in the field of tourism management. She is also part of the Green Deal, Sustainability and Marketing programme at the University of Economics today. Her teaching and research focuses on the development of critical thinking in education and organizational management. Tourism is currently affected by a number of risk phenomena and destabilization, making it vulnerable. Its proposed solutions have been validated in the successfully completed Erasmus Plus and Visegrad Fund project in the context of UNESCO.

Avi KAY | Professor (Associate) | PhD | Research profile

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Avi Kay

(Jerusalem College of Technology, LEV Academic Center:


Mathias SCHÜZ | Professor (Full) for Responsible Leadership | Prof. Dr. phil. MA | Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur | ZHAW | Department General Management | Research profile

Prof. Dr. Mathias Schüz

(retired prof. of ZHAW, University of Applied Sciences: