
Think Global Festival

Think Global Festival: Ethical Challenges in the time of crises (Dr. D. Kučera) Amsterdam School of International Business in Amsterdam Universtity of Applied Sciences April, 2022 Overview of ethical challenges Philosophical dimension Economic … Social (HR) … Environmental… Legal… Future…. Frame of SDGs 2. Special challenges of current crises Separation, fragmentation and reduction of science […]

Think Global Festival

International course in Marseille

International  course: Business Ethics & Sustainability KEDGE Business School Marseille, Campus Lumini France 10/2021

International course in Marseille

Research about CEE / Czech Rep.

KUČERA, D.: Challenges of managerial responsibility and ethics for Central and East European countries based on the experience from the Czech Republic. The International Journal of Management Education, Article nr 100583, IF.

Research about CEE / Czech Rep.

Academia Letter

KUČERA, D.: Legal claims of personal liability as a philosophical challenge. Academia Letters, 2021, Article1235.;

Academia Letter

New publication

KUČERA, D.:  A Historical Approach to Understanding Values and Its Importance for Corporate Responsibility. Book chapter in: Values and Corporate Responsibility. CSR and Sustainable Development. Palgrave Macmillan – Palgrave Studies in Governance, Leadership and Responsibility, UK, 2020. https://

New publication

2021 Global Leaders Summit

Session of Dr. D. Kučera: Philosophical Challenges of Sustainability, Responsibility, and Ethics

2021 Global Leaders Summit

Profit or Sustainability?

Profit oder Nachhaltigkeit? Auf diese Frage gibt es derzeit nur eine Antwort: beides! There’s only one answer to the question. Both!  Prof. Rene Schmidpeter and Prof. R. Edward Freeman in an interesting interview. Viz:

Profit or Sustainability?

Responsible Management Education Research 6th Conference

October 2019, very interesting Responsible Management Education Research 6th Conference takes place.

Responsible Management Education Research 6th Conference