
Activities in the area of managerial responsibility and business ethics include cooperation on scientific and research projects:

  • Center team is part of the scientific project ERASMUS Plus 2024-2026:                                         

    Responsibility and Ethics in Management Education for Future Challenges.                                                                    Cooperation with universities:

    UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI di MILANO                                                                                                                                                TOULOUSE BUSINESS SCHOOL                                                                                                                                        JERUSALEM COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY / YEZREEL VALLEY COLLEGE

  • Dr. D. Kučera: Coordinator for the Czech Rep. in the project for universities and scientific institutions of V4 countries: VEGA 1/0836/21: MODEL OF BEHAVIOR FOR ETHICS AND INTEGRITY OF INSTITUTIONS …
  • Chairman of Ethical committee, Institute of physics, Academy of sciences, Czech Republic.
  • Advisory Committee KLIO POLSKA: Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (2020-).
  • Ethical Advisor for EU project – HILASE, Institute of physics, Academy of sciences, Czech Rep. (2019-2023)
  • Transfer of know-how:  ZHAW Curych, School of Management and Law / VŠE FPH 2012/2013
    • The outcome of the project was an international conference, New course of Business Ethics and book translation: M. Schüz: Fundamentals of Ethical Responsibility in company (in Czech), Oeconomica, Prague 2013.
  • Sustainable Corporate responsibility: ZHAW Curych, School of Management and Law / University of Economics, Faculty of Business Administration 2014-2015
    • The outcome of the project was an International conference in Prague and the publishing of text book (in Czech): M. Schüz; I. Nový; D.Kučera: Long-tern Corporate responsibilty and Ethics in executive education. Oeconomica, 2015.
  • Sustainaible Corporate Responsibility: VŠE FPH 2017-2019 
    • Cooperation on the project of Assot. Prof. Jitka Srpová (Dep. of Entrepreneurship, Prague): Research with top managers of Czech companies. The results were published:
    • Kučera D. & Müllerová, J.: The value orientation of the Czech companies in the frame of sustainable corporate responsibility. In Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2017), pp. 496-504, Praha, Oeconomica. (Web of Science)
  •  Application of PRME principles in Business schools i5