Research projects

Research areas currently being addressed include:

  • Decision errors and biases (influence of anchoring, stereotyping, etc.) and critical thinking
  • Field research on dishonest behaviour (workers, managers, and customers), personality and situational causes of unethical behaviour (not only) in companies; questionnaire surveys focusing on ethical dilemmas
  • Laboratory research on whether and how people distinguish accidental failure/success from workers’ ability and motivation
  • The influence of personality characteristics on performance, innovation, and cooperation
  • Decision analysis using big data (Twitter and FB data)

The empirical, theoretical and replication research of our members is published in prominent journals in psychology, management and organizational sciences such as Science, Academy of Management Perspectives, Perspectives on Psychological Science, Psychological Science, Judgment and Decision Making, Journal of Research in Personality, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Journal of Management Inquiry, PLoS ONE, etc.

Current major projects

GAČR 2019-2021 “Experimentální studie prediktorů korupčního chování” (Experimental study of predictors of corruption behaviour) (researcher Štěpán Bahník)

The project uses a laboratory model of corruption to identify factors influencing the willingness to take bribes.

Projects of the Internal Grant Agency of the Prague University of Economics and Business

IGA 2020-2021 “Pomáhají příběhy v dodržování pořádku na pracovišti? ” (Do stories help in maintaining order in the workplace?) (researcher Jan Mojžíš)

The aim of the research is to use experimental evidence to find out whether communicating a specific management practice using narrative stories or infographics leads to greater persuasion of responsible workers to use them. Another objective is to determine whether adherence to the practice leads to greater employee satisfaction and productivity.

IGA 2021-2022 “Debiasing přehnaně sebevědomých intuitivních predikcí” (Debiasing overconfident intuitive predictions) (researcher Nicolas Say)

The objectives of this project are to test several types of interventions that could prevent overly optimistic predictions and unrealistic commitments. Another aim is to explore the limits and side effects of the debiasing methods used.

IGA 2021-2022 “Podvádění a charakteristiky obětí” (Cheating and victim characteristics) (researcher Marek Vranka)

The project aims to map the characteristics of victims of cheating and the nature of situations in which they are subject to dishonesty. The results can be used by organisations and companies to identify interactions in which dishonest behaviour against the organisation, colleagues or clients is more likely to occur and to take the necessary countermeasures more effectively.

IGA/A 2021-2022 “Norm-nudging – Teoretický rámec a doporučení pro implementaci” (Norm-nudging – Theoretical framework and recommendations for implementation) (researcher Marek Vranka)

The aim of the project is to identify the reasons for the failure of social norm support interventions based on a unifying psychological theoretical framework and a systematic literature review. The project also empirically tests possible causes of norms failure in a series of experiments in online and field settings.

Previous major projects

GAČR 2018-2020 “Testování externí validity experimentů na nečestné chování” (Testing the external validity of experiments on dishonest behavior) (researcher Petr Houdek)

The project aims to test the degree of external validity of laboratory experiments on dishonesty and unethical behaviour; it is conducted cross-culturally (Czech Republic and China).

GAČR 2017-2018 “Behaviorální důvody úpadku firem: experimentální přístup” (Behavioral reasons for firm failure: an experimental approach) (researcher Luboš Smrčka)

The project focuses on investigating information flows within firms and the impact of conflicting interests on their prosperity. It also tests whether people can recognize the influence of chance on the success/failure of a project or an employee.