Project financed by TA ČR
The representatives of the Centre Jaroslav Schönfeld and Michal Kuděj were granted a new project financed by TA ČR called Developing preventive pre-insolvency and insolvency restructuring processes at companies facing financial problems, possibility of increasing the use and success rate of such processes by establishing an EWS and by laying down preventive-restructuring methods. The team of expert consultants from the University of Economics and collaborating professionals will take part in the project during the upcoming two years.
This research project is a follow-up to the activity of the European Commission presented at the end of 2016 – a draft directive on preventive restructuring frameworks, which should enable debtors in financial difficulties to continue business by restructuring at an early stage.
As Michal Kuděj commented: “One of the aims of the project is to identify early warning signals and support the implementation of the draft directive into national legal systems so that it is truly motivating for affected parties, does not increase costs in the economy and helps reduce damage to the national economies related particularly to job losses and ineffective allocation of assets by debtors.”